02/12/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 18/01/77
Special importance of 18th January
Are all of you stable in the form of an embodiment of remembrance, that is, an embodiment of power? Today is theday for being an embodiment of remembrance in a special way. To be merged in BapDada's love means to becomeequal to the Father. The sign of love is equality; so, throughout today, did you experience yourself to be anembodiment of remembrance who is equal to the Father? Did you experience the response of BapDada's love in theform of the blessing of being equal to the Father? Today is the special day for giving you an experience of the stageof being equal to the Father very easily and in a very short time. Just as, out of all the ages, the confluence age is saidto be the age for attaining all attainments easily, in the same way, this one day out of the confluence age is fixed in thedrama for the Brahmins to especially be given the special blessing of experiencing the stage of being equal to theFather. Knowing the special importance of the special day, did you celebrate it with that greatness? At amrit vela,BapDada opened the lottery of the golden chance of special experiences. Did you experience having the right to sucha lottery? Whilst full of love, in the stage of yoga and filled with all powers, did you remain beyond all the differenttypes of attraction of matter and Maya? Today, BapDada saw the result of the efforts of the children. Do you knowwhat BapDada saw in the result?
BapDada saw many children in the form of the crown on His head and He also saw some children as the garlandaround His neck. He also saw some children as the ornament of the arms. Now, each of you can ask yourself: Whereis my place? (Someone said: Wherever Baba places me.) Baba can place you anywhere, but you are the one who hasto sit. Baba's order is a huge one. Do you know that? In which group would the foreigners, that is, those who belongto the original land, be? If all the foreigners are part of the crown, then where would those who belong to the originalland go? There are very few in the crown. The majority are the garland around the neck or the ornament of the arms.To be one with a crown means to be a sparkling jewel in BapDada's crown. Such souls are especially worshippedand their sign is that they are constantly absorbed in the Father and equal to Him. The Father would always naturallybe revealed through their every word and deed. Seeing their features and their character, the words that wouldemerge from everyone's lips are that it is a wonder how Baba has made them so worthy. On seeing their virtues,others will constantly sing praise of the Father. Their vision will change the attitudes of others. Souls with such astage are remembered as the crown on the head.
The ornament around the neck means the second number who are constantly engaged in the effort of revealing theFather through the sound from their throat, that is, from their lips. They constantly keep BapDada in front of them,but are not merged in Him. They constantly sing BapDada's praise, but they themselves do not constantly remain asan embodiment of virtues. They have the elevated good wishes to make others equal, but they are not able to face allthe different types of attack from Maya. Souls with such a stage are the ornament around the neck.
You must easily have understood about the third quality: the symbol of arms means co觔peration. It is of those whoco觔perate in the Father's task in any way; whether through their thoughts, words, deeds, body, mind or wealth.However, they are not constantly yogi. There are even such children. Together with the revised course, BapDada hasalso given the realisation course. So what else remains now? What is still remaining?
Have you become the conquerors of attachment and embodiments of remembrance or do you still have to becomethat? Are you still waiting for the final destruction? You are not still waiting, are you? To wait for destructionmeans to await the date of your death, so are you invoking your death? You are having so many thoughts as to whydestruction has not yet taken place.
When will it happen? How will it happen? Do you find the confluence age beautiful or the golden age beautiful? So,why are you afraid that destruction has still not taken place? If you yourself are satisfied with the answer to thisquestion, you can also satisfy others. If you yourself have a question about this, then definitely others will alsoquestion you about it. Therefore, do not be afraid. When others ask you why destruction has not yet taken place, justtell them: Because of you, destruction has not taken place. Together with the Father, all of us are world benefactors.In bringing benefit to the world, we still have to bring benefit to souls like yourselves. Therefore, you still have achance. What happens generally is that when someone asks you this question, you yourself become confused in thequestions, "Why? What?" etc. You think, "Yes, this is what we have been told; this is what has been written and itshould have happened". This is why you are not able to satisfy others. With that intoxication, tell them that there isbenefit merged in these words spoken by the Benefactor Father. We know about it and you will also know about it asyou progress further. Do not be afraid. Do not move away from them and think, "What can we say? How can weanswer them?" Out of fear, do not move away from the people whom you told this. What will they do? If they makeany wrong type of publicity, then those wrong words will put many others right and it will become a means forrevelation. Since the children themselves keep on asking this question, what is the big deal if people also ask thisquestion? You think, "Should I do this or not? How can I continue with my household? How can I satisfy all myrelations? Should I get my children married or not? Should I build a home or not?" In fact, these questions have noconnection with the date of destruction. If you have land and you have the thought of building on it, it means youhave the thought of using it for yourself. If you want to use it for Godly service, then there is no question of whetheryou build a building or just use the land. However, if there is a need and you build it according to the directions youreceive, then that will not go to waste, but will be accumulated. So there is no need to be afraid because ofdestruction, because to continue to move along according to shrimat means to have everything insured. You woulddefinitely receive the fruit of that.
Now remains the question of getting married or getting someone married. You have already been given a directionfor this: As far as possible, save yourself and other souls to whatever extent you can. What if destruction doesn't takeplace? Is it that you were remaining pure because of destruction? Purity is the original religion of Brahmins. Purityis the aim and qualification of Brahmin life. Those whose deep inculcation is purity have no connection with the dateof destruction. This is just an excuse to hide your own weakness. Brahmins know how to make many excuses.Achcha, now remains the question of getting someone else married. For that, save others as much as you can. Do notallow yourself to become weak and encourage the other person. Do not even have the thought in your mind, that nowthey will have to do this. What happened to those who were not able to be saved even ten years ago? As a detachedobserver, through thoughts and words, Baba tried to save them. In the same way, remain just as determined evennow. But what can you do if someone wants to fall anyway? Because of destruction, do not allow yourself to comeinto upheaval. Your upheaval will create upheaval for those who are not following the path of knowledge. Youshould remain unshakeable. Speak with that sparkle of intoxication without fear. Then those people will themselvesbecome quiet and will not be able to say anything. With faith in the intellect, do not become one who has an intellectfull of doubts even in the form of thoughts. The royal form of doubt is, "It should have happened like this. I don'tknow why Baba had said this. BapDada would have told us in advance. So how can we go in front of them?" Thisroyal form of doubt will become instrumental to create doubts in the minds of the people of the world. "Yes, Babadid say it and will say it even now." Maintain this faith and intoxication and those people will come and bow down toyou, and say: It is a wonder of your faith! Do you understand?
Do not be afraid. Are you afraid to go to jail? You are not afraid, but you become distressed. You do not have thepower to face. Just say that there was benefit in whatever Baba said and there is benefit in it even now. We aresaying the same thing even now. If you tell them with Godly intoxication and with that lightness, they will laughwith you. However, first of all, you have to become strong. Do you understand?
Everyone's thoughts reached Baba today. Everyone had the question of what Baba would say on the 18th. Now, didyou hear? BapDada is with you; no one can do anything, no one can say anything. The kittens were safe even in theburning furnace and so this is nothing. No one can even harm a single hair. You do not have ordinary company; youhave the company of the Almighty Authority. Therefore, an intellect that has faith is victorious.
There is no need to tell them the date. The date of the final destruction can never be fixed. If the date were to befixed, then all the seats would be fixed also. When everyone becomes free from thinking of these things, that will bethe date of destruction. Achcha.
To such stable, unshakeable and immovable souls who remain unshakeable in their elevated stage in every situation;to the souls who are the pillars of all virtues and all powers, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
Blessing: May you be a master knowledge苯ull soul who, with the light and might of knowledge, becomes a destroyerof obstacles.On the path of bhakti, Ganesh is worshipped as the destroyer of obstacles. Together with this, he is also rememberedas one who is master knowledge苯ull; the lord of knowledge. The children who become master knowledge苯ull cannever be defeated by any obstacle, because knowledge is said to be light and might through which it becomes easy toreach your destination. Those who are such destroyers of obstacles, those who constantly remain combined with theFather and churn knowledge, can never be defeated by any obstacle.
Slogan: The breath of Brahmin life is happiness; even if you lose your body, you should not lose your happiness.
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